(of a Recreational Photographer)


Scientist by day, food lover and recreational photographer by night . . . really the latter is whenever I get the chance but it just sounded better phrased that way.  This blog is my attempt to share my experiences of the delicious meals I’ve had at various dining establishments around the world, or my own cooking experiences (successful/unsuccessful).

BTW, although this blog was started in late 2011, I will slowly be adding some pre-2011 dated food experiences as well.  Hence, don’t be surprised if some of the newly published content are actually of experiences prior to 2011.  In all cases, I’ll attempt to document when my experience occurred as you might not be able to try what I’ve tried due to restaurants closing/moving/undergoing changes in management/chefs etc.

Please enjoy!

My Gear

I’ve always photo-documented various aspects of my life experiences.  I used to just carry around a point and shoot camera, a Canon PowerShot SD750.  In 2009, prior to a trip back to New Zealand, I got a Canon EOS Rebel T1i, my first DSLR via a great deal at Costco.  With a new toy on the first international travel trip with Connie (my wife now but my girlfriend at that time) I got into taking more pictures of our meals as part of my photo-documentary on our NZ adventures.  Ever since that trip I’ve continued to photo-document our various meals out and about primarily shooting with the T1i and using the p&s as the backup.  Since 2009, I’ve upgraded my cell phone a few times and with the higher quality cameras on cell phones I do tend to use my phone in lieu of my p&s more and more.  Earlier in 2012, I upgraded my camera body as I outgrew my beloved T1i.  Nowadays my current trusty DSLR camera is the Canon EOS 7D.  If I’m either without it (‘cuz I’m too lazy to lug along my DSLR) or opt not to take the 7D out of my bag to shoot with, then I’ll use the camera on my cell phone, a Samsung Galaxy S2 (Sprint).

All images and text are copyright of Foodie Forays (George Jiang) unless otherwise noted.  Please credit appropriately.

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